From 31st of January until 5th of February, Marwadi University hosted the 3rd transnational meeting of the CCPLaw project in Rajkot, India. In other words, 32 Participants representing 10 Universities/Institutions from 6 Countries of Asia and Europe were gathered in order to discuss and organise the next steps of the project.

During the first day of the meeting, CCPLaw partners had among others the opportunity to have an overview of the work done in regards with the research on international level in regards with the reports on Similar Curricula on Climate Change Policy and Law in Asia and Europe as well as the Transactional Report.

During the second day, WP2 working outline were presented as well as the Inaugural of the Centre for Climate Change, Policy and Law was conducted at Marwadi University. Following that, a discussion and deliberation in regards with the development, the specifications and the pilot testing of CCP Law Platform (WP2) took place. The last session of the day was dedicated to a discussion and deliberation on the development of Educational Programme on Global Climate Change Policy and Law (WP2), the Teachers Guide (WP2), and the Online Teachers Guide (WP2).

The third day of the transnational project meeting was quite intense and fruitful, since CCPLaw partners discussed the following issues: (a) discussion on what should be the weightage for transnational and Indian dimensions in the proposed P/G Diploma/ LL.M; (b) Discussion on developing a template for syllabus; (c) discussion on Teacher Training Development Module; (d) discussion on Training Plan for the LLL (Life Long Learning) course on Climate Change Policy and Law; (e) discussion on Training Plan for the LLL course on Distance Learning; (f) Delivery of the LLL courses on Climate Change Policy and Law and Distance Learning.

During the fourth day, the Accreditation Report on the Climate Change Policy and Law Educational Programme was discussed along with the Educational Course on Climate Change Policy and Law Delivery and the progress of Climate Change Law Centres. Following that, important issues for the continuation of the smooth implementation of the CCPLaw project were discussed and especially about the Project Management, Finances, and Risk Prevention.


Finally, the last day an important discussion on Quality Assurance Plan took place as well as a Review of the presentations by the by Partner Institutions.


You can find here the agenda of the meeting.


If you want to check out here some moments from the CCPLaw Transnational Meeting in Rajkot follow this link