
This significant event, held on May 11, 2023.

Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), the IIUM Climate Change Policy and Law Centre (CCPL Centre) and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre with the support of the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) Professional Fellows Programme (a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the American Council for International Education) organize the International Symposium on Environmental and Climate Change Mediation in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the IIUM and AIKOL.

The International Symposium on Environmental and Climate Change Mediation was a full day event conducted to raise awareness on the upcoming pilot phase, in order to attract interest, motivate prospective legal practitioners and environmentalists to enroll and participate in the CCPL course. In addition, it aims to ensure sufficient participation and guarantee commitment on behalf of the participating members of the target group.

The event include a a high-level climate change policy dialogue by renowned climate change personnel, namely:


(i)                  YA Dato’ Lim Chong Fong, Judge, Court of Appeal Malaysia

(ii)                Ms. Pam Adams, Sustainability Planner at the Centre Region Council of Governments of Pennsylvania USA

(iii)               Ms. Kwong Chiew Ee, Partner at Rahmat Lim & Partners’ ESG & Public Policy practice group and YSEALI Professional Fellow, and

(iv)               Mr. Kiu Jia Yaw, Bar Council Malaysia Environment & Climate Change Committee

This symposium achieves the objectives of CCPL Centre to raise awareness of the upcoming LLM program on climate change policy and law, and to attract participants from various sectors, backgrounds and disciplines to motivate them to enrol in the course.

For more on IIUM CCPL Centre, see