Exhibition of the Erasmus CBHE Project: CCP_LAW – ‘Curricula Development on Climate Change Policy and Law for the EU Campus with a Conscience’ event

The IIUM team has been invited by the Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia to participate in the `Campus with a Conscience’ event in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The EU hosted the European pavilion with several booths on EU projects and initiatives, of which one booth will be on Erasmus+. The IIUM team has been…

Marwadi’s Regional Roundtable

On October 21, 2023, Marwadi University organized a Regional Roundtable focused on developing educational programs for “Climate Change Policy and Law.” The event united a diverse group, including academics, practitioners, and professionals. Discussions revolved around introducing specialized courses to tackle climate change challenges. Key topics included incorporating sustainable development goals, using case studies to engage…

Marwadi’s University Regional Seminar

Marwadi University organized a Regional Seminar on October 20, 2023, focusing on “Curricula Development on Climate Change Policy and Law”. More than sixty participants from Rajkot Municipal Corporation, NGO working around Rajkot, Students and Faculties of Marwadi University participated in the Regional Seminar. Discussions highlighted the urgent need to integrate regional climate challenges into academic…

IIUM’s Successful Regional Seminar

This significant event, held on May 11, 2023. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL), the IIUM Climate Change Policy and Law Centre (CCPL Centre) and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre with the support of the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) Professional Fellows Programme (a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided…

CCPLaw online meeting

On 27th of April, the Consortium of CCP-Law conducted an online technical meeting in order to discuss the current status of the project as well as the next steps and action items for the upcoming period. Until the next in-person meeting in Pune, India in September, online meetings will be held in order to track…

First face-to-face meeting of the CCPLaw project

The first in-person meeting of the CCPLaw was conducted in Girona from May 30th until June 4th CPPLaw project and was hosted by the University of Girona. During the meeting were discussed and current topics: Project Status and current works Capacity building activities Curricula development Organizational issues of the curricula development Find here the agenda of…